Construction Site Manager

Construction Site Manager

Description : For one of our mining projects loca­ted in West Africa, we are looking for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Construction Site Manager. As a Construction site mana­ger you will be respon­sible for looking after the teams on a construc­tion site, as well as liasing with the clients. You could be moni­to­ring costs and budget, and

Fluid Supervisor

Fluid Supervisor

Description : We are currently recrui­ting a Fluid Supervisor in West Africa, to deve­lop drilling & comple­tion fluids and cement programs, opti­mi­zing the invest­ments and applying the highest stan­dards of engi­nee­ring inte­grity, safety and envi­ron­men­tal protec­tion. Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties : Defining and plan­ning drilling and comple­tion fluids, as well as cement slur­ries in order to achieve tech­ni­cal objectives

Drilling and Completion Supervisor

Drilling and Completion Supervisor

Description : We are currently recrui­ting a Drilling and Completion Supervisor in West Africa, to super­vise drilling and comple­tion execu­tion assu­ring that opera­tions conforms to plans and are being carried out safely, effi­ciently and econo­mi­cally, mana­ging manpo­wer, rigs, mate­rial supplies and stocks, resol­ving diffi­cul­ties which could other­wise delay drilling progress. Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties : Ensuring contrac­tor person­nel, services

Site Lead Cost Controller

Site Lead Cost Controller

Description : For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal mining orga­ni­sa­tion in West Africa, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Site Lead Cost Controller based on site. Reporting to the Site Project Controls Manager, the Site Lead Cost Controller is respon­sible for all aspects of site project cost controls, inclu­ding the deve­lop­ment and main­tai­ning of

Site Progress Controller

Site Progress Controller

Description : For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal mining orga­ni­sa­tion in West Africa, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Site Progress Controller based on site. Reporting to the Site Project Controls Manager, the Site Progress Controller is respon­sible to prepare and main­tain the Construction Progress Monitoring System (CPMS), and for the overall moni­to­ring, control

Senior Mine Planning Engineer

Senior Mine Planning Engineer

The Company : For our client, an inter­na­tio­nal mining company, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Senior Mine Planning Engineer for his exis­ting mining opera­tions in West Africa. The person will provide guidance and feed­back to mana­ge­ment on best prac­tices to be imple­men­ted to prevent fata­li­ties and disa­bling inju­ries to employees, whilst achie­ving World

Lead Umbilical Engineer

Lead Umbilical Engineer

Details Description : We are currently looking to fill the role of Lead Umbilicals Enginer for our client, a multi­na­tio­nal explo­ra­tion and produc­tion company. The role reports to the Surf Engineering Leader. Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties : Reviewing all rele­vant Engineering docu­ments, which typi­cally includes cross section design, dyna­mic analyses, instal­la­tion analyses, compo­nents design (steel tubes, armours, carcass, polymer

Surintendant(e) Matériaux et Équipements de Construction

Surintendant(e) Matériaux et Équipements de Construction

Caractéristiques Détails Présentation : Nous recher­chons pour notre client, compa­gnie minière inter­na­tio­nale présente en Afrique de l’Ouest, un(e) Surintendant(e) Matériaux et Équipements de Construction. Sous la super­vi­sion du Directeur des Travaux de Construction, le/la Surintendant(e) Matériaux et Équipements de Construction doit s’as­su­rer que les travaux effec­tués sous sa direc­tion sont stric­te­ment conformes aux spéci­fi­ca­tions HSE du